Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Doctors On Vacation...

Some of you may have noticed that the Doctors of Cosmic Spores have been missing in action lately, and may have been wondering if Cosmic Spores was gone. I assure you that Cosmic Spores is still alive and well, the Doctors are just kind of on a vacation. Actually it is a meeting and they had to travel a very long way to get to the meeting. They have left me, greyeyesgabriel in charge of the Cosmic Spores Webwork until they get back. I am very busy with my own projects and will do what I can to check the webwork and add all of those pending friend requests, but some might have to wait until the Doctors get back. I am sorry for any inconvenience that this have caused anyone, however, Cosmic Spores is bigger than just the earth...


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