Thursday, April 29, 2010

2 Years Later; Starting Over...

 ...grow yourself. This is the philosophy of the self funded company Spruz; and they are a company much like our mother company, greyeyesgabriel international. All of us have experienced some ups and downs throughout our development, things that worked, things that didn't. If you have followed the greyeyesgabriel brand then you know what we are talking about; if you are just finding out about CosmicSpores and the greyeyesgabriel international connection, then you may have noticed a lot of changes going on here and you are in the middle of it. See, earlier this month, Ning (Our former exclusive provider of our free social platform on their network.) announced that they would be "phasing out the free program." It seems that not even Ning knows how to make money with their Ning!

  We were notified about the changes from our HQ @greyeyesgabrielinternational and they found out about it from a news source online, even though they get the Ning newsletter & advertisements, from Ning! The only release of this information came from their Blog! It spread through mainstream through viral advertising; the same way that their company had been able to grow over the past 2 years. The same method used to build them up; will, in the opinion of greyeyesgabriel, "...lead to the destruction of the Ning platform as they join the ranks of Pagii." CosmicSpores just just got caught on-board the vessel, we didn't expect the ship to sink; yet, here we are floating in the water with the sharks!

   Luckily there is a branch of hope extended to us from the USS Spruz! If you are a Ning refugee floating in the water with the sharks; then this would be a great network to join on the Spruz platform, Nings Refugees; there are already over 300 of us on-board. We are so glad that we teamed with greyeyesgabriel international and have had the honor of greyeyesgabriel working on our websites directly; you should have seen the mixed up mess we had before Dr. Victor Webber met greyeyesgabriel. We are proud to be affiliated with the greyeyesgabriel brand and just wanted to announce the move; we are so excited to see what he puts together for us here with the feature rich Spruz! Come grow with all of us, this is about to get good!!